We believe life is meant to be lived with others in mind. If we are working together, God will use us to make a major impact in the world around us. We have found one of the best ways to get connected… build relationships… and really experience ownership is to serve in one of our many vibrant ministries!

At The Bridge, we don’t look for volunteers. We are looking for Ministry Partners who want to start growing… serving… giving… and discover the joy that comes from making an impact in the life of someone else.

Getting started is easy. If you will take moment to fill out the form by clicking on the button below.  The process of serving first begins with you getting to know yourself as God intended you to serve by completing three gift assessments.  This is a free-to-you opportunity! You will receive a link via email sent by our Next Steps Director. Please be sure to watch for this follow-up e-mail once the form is submitted. 

I Would Like to Start Serving

Section Title

We LOVE our Ministry Partners more than we could ever express!

This church would not be the same without their faithful service... not to us... but to the Lord.  We encourage you to watch these videos because, in their own words, you will discover the Joy that comes from serving the Lord by serving His people! 

  • Ministry Partner Appreciation... Week 1

    Elders... Deacons...
    Men & Women's Advisory Teams

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Ministry Partner Appreciation... Week 2

    Little Ones... Bridge Kids... Awana...
    Bridge Students

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Ministry Partner Appreciation... Week 3
    Events Booth... Events Team... Resource Booth... Welcome Booth... Greeters... Bridge Guides... Translators... Office Volunteers... Hospitality

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Ministry Partner Appreciation... Week 4

    Next Steps... Baptism Team... Wellness & LIFEgroups... 

    Outreach Team... Security Team... 

    Chair Team... Bus Drivers

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Ministry Partner Appreciation... Week 5

    Worship Team... Tech Team... 

    Social Media Team

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.